Wow, summer has FLOWN by! I have had so many wonderful chances to bring my music to friends and fans...and make new ones too! It has been such a great summer, starting in Ontario and Quebec, then playing all around the Maritimes for various festivals and shows. And NOW...I am super stoked to be heading back to the amazing province of Newfoundland for my 'SUMMER'S END' tour!
Newfoundlanders are always so warm and friendly, and it's gonna be a great time returning to some spots I have visited previously and making my first appearance at a number of awesome spots too! An exciting late addition to the tour is a show at the WRECKHOUSE INTERNATIONAL JAZZ & BLUES FESTIVAL in St. John's! PLUS, I will have the chance to rejoin with my dear friend KARLA PILGRIM of THE SECRETS for a show and a double bill show with fellow ECMA Blues Award winner (2017) JONATHON REID of BEAUWATER. Check out the dates and please come out to see me/us if you're in my Newfoundland neighbourhood from September 12-24!
Get all the details on each show on my website SHOWS page! :-)